How would you like to earn $2500 a month and only work 40 hours a month (or less) from home? Today’s guest is going to tell you exactly how this is possible!
Katie Ferro is a CPA and corporate escapee. She’s also a stay-at-home mom with 6, 4, 2 at home. She built a bookkeeping business that surpasses her former tax manager’s salary. Now she teaches others how to start a bookkeeping business and quit their jobs so they can live a life of freedom!
This is Part 1 of my 2-Part interview with Katie. This episode is jam-packed with all the details of how easy it is to be profitable as a bookkeeper.
In this episode, Katie shares:
– What led to her leaving a successful, high-paying corporate job, and why she decided to start a bookkeeping business
– How she is achieving her dream of earning passive income through bookkeeping, working fewer hours and earning more money
– Exactly how to make $2500 in profit as a bookkeeper working less than 40 hours a month!
She answers questions like:
– How much can beginner bookkeepers charge?
– How many clients do you need to earn $2500/month?
– What expenses will you have in running your bookkeeping business?
– What are the requirements for someone who wants to be a bookkeeper?
– Do you need a CPA license?
– Do you need to do taxes as a bookkeeper?