Capital Mom Podcast 23: Earning Over $2K Per Month and Working Less than 10 Hours Per Week as a Bookkeeper

Capital Mom Podcast

How does working 10 hours a week and earning over $2,000 per month sound? Today’s guest is doing just that…AND she teaches other moms how to do it, too!

Katie Ferro is a CPA and corporate escapee. She’s also a stay-at-home mom with 6, 4, 2 at home. She built a bookkeeping business that surpasses her former tax manager’s salary. Now she teaches others how to start a bookkeeping business and quit their jobs so they can live a life of freedom!

This is Part 2 of my 2-Part interview with Katie. In this episode Katie shares details about her programs and discusses the importance of creating the lifestyle you want to have while building your business.

In this episode, Katie shares:
– How just about anyone can get started earning money as a bookkeeper

– The value bookkeepers bring to small business owners

– Details on her bookkeeping programs, including how she prepares her students to be ready to take on actual clients with confidence

-Why she believes it’s so important to make your business fit your lifestyle.

She answers questions like:
– What qualifications do you need to be a bookkeeper?
– How do I learn bookkeeping when I don’t have any experience, certifications, or degrees in accounting?
– How long does it take for someone who has no experience to go through the program and start earning income?

Capital Mom Podcast 22: How this Mom of 3 is Teaching Others to Earn at Least $2K Working Less Than 40 Hours Per Month

Capital Mom Podcast

How would you like to earn $2500 a month and only work 40 hours a month (or less) from home? Today’s guest is going to tell you exactly how this is possible!

Katie Ferro is a CPA and corporate escapee. She’s also a stay-at-home mom with 6, 4, 2 at home. She built a bookkeeping business that surpasses her former tax manager’s salary. Now she teaches others how to start a bookkeeping business and quit their jobs so they can live a life of freedom!

This is Part 1 of my 2-Part interview with Katie. This episode is jam-packed with all the details of how easy it is to be profitable as a bookkeeper.

In this episode, Katie shares:
– What led to her leaving a successful, high-paying corporate job, and why she decided to start a bookkeeping business
– How she is achieving her dream of earning passive income through bookkeeping, working fewer hours and earning more money
– Exactly how to make $2500 in profit as a bookkeeper working less than 40 hours a month!

She answers questions like:
– How much can beginner bookkeepers charge?
– How many clients do you need to earn $2500/month?
– What expenses will you have in running your bookkeeping business?
– What are the requirements for someone who wants to be a bookkeeper?
– Do you need a CPA license?
– Do you need to do taxes as a bookkeeper?

Capital Mom Podcast 21: From Food Stamps to a 7-Figure Business in 18 Months as a Single Mom of an Infant

Capital Mom Podcast

Iva Paleckova is the CEO of and the host of the Leaders Break Free podcast. She is known for taking her business from 0 to 7 figures in 18 months, as a single mom to an infant. Iva helps high-performing multi 6 and 7 figure business owners, break free of their barriers and fall MADLY in love with their business. She also helps beginner coaches to launch their 6 figure brands.

Today Iva joins me to talk about how she overcame the challenges of being a single mom and made the decision to live life on her own terms, no matter what! 

In this episode, Iva shares:

-What she did to pull herself out of a dark place after the biological father of her child left her and completely cut her off after learning she was pregnant.
– Why she says being a single mother actually gives her more freedom
– How she went from $700 in her bank account to earning 7 figures in her business in 18 months.
– How she helps other women create lives that they can be excited about, regardless of their situation in life

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Need someone to bounce ideas off of? Schedule a Connection Call with me. This is not a sales call or a coaching call but an opportunity for you to connect with another mom who knows what it’s like to be determined to make stay-at-home-mom life work but not know how to make it work financially.